
God’s Will, Your Willingness

God’s Will, Your Willingness

For everyone looks out for their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 2:21

WANTED: Understudy for well-traveled, soon-to-retire missionary. Must be able to suffer hardship; to teach and be taught; to evangelize, organize and perform a variety of vital church functions. Low pay, long hours, intense opposition. Interested applicants contact Paul the apostle.


That ad is fictitious, but the position was real. It was filled by a young man named Timothy.

Timothy was like a spiritual son to Paul, so when Paul needed someone to check on the Philippians’ spiritual growth, he knew he could count on Timothy. Albert Barnes discusses Timothy’s commitment to Paul and to the ministry of Christ at Philippi.

“How many professing Christians in our cities and towns are there now who would be willing to leave their comfortable homes and go on embassy duty to Philippi as Timothy did?

“How many are there who would not seek some excuse, and thus show that they ‘look[ed] out for their own interests’ rather than the things which pertained to the kingdom of Jesus Christ?

“Paul implies here that it is the duty of those who profess faith to seek the things which pertain to the kingdom of the Redeemer, to make that the great and leading object of their lives.

“There are few Christians who deny themselves much to promote the kingdom of the Redeemer. People live for their own ease, for their families, for their businesses—as if a Christian could have anything which he has a right to pursue, and without regard to God’s will and glory.”

The foremost qualification for the job of disciple was, and still is, willingness—willingness to learn, to obey, to serve. Timothy demonstrated this willingness to do God’s will at the sacrifice of his own will. You can do the same today.

So what will you do?

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