
The Words Your Father Loves To Hear

The Words Your Father Loves To Hear

Giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.
Colossians 1:12

In the opening lines of his letter to the Colossians, Paul echoed the psalmist’s thought that “it is fitting for the upright to praise [the LORD]” (Psalm 33:1).


Listen as R. A. Torrey explains that prayer is more than bringing a “grocery list” of needs and wants to God. It is an opportunity to express gratitude for God’s good gifts to us.

“If any one of us would stop and think how many of the prayers we have offered to God have been answered, and how seldom we have thanked God for the answers thus given, I am sure we would be overwhelmed with conviction.

“We should be just as definite in returning thanks as we are in prayer. We come to God with specific petitions, but when we return thanks to him our thanksgiving is vague.

“Doubtless one reason why so many of our prayers lack power is because we have neglected to return thanks for blessings already received. If anyone were constantly to come to us asking help from us, and should never say ‘thank you’ for the help thus given, we would soon tire of helping one so ungrateful.

“Doubtless our heavenly Father, out of a wise regard for our highest welfare, oftentimes refuses to answer petitions that we send up to him in order that we may be brought to a sense of our ingratitude and be taught to be thankful.”

No doubt you are learning to be specific in your requests to God. But have you learned yet to be specific in your thanks as well?

After all, if you aren’t thankful for what you have as a “share in the inheritance,” you aren’t likely to be thankful for what God holds in store for you!

“Father, thank you.” Those are words any father loves to hear—even your heavenly one.

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