
Joined To The Father Through The Son

Joined To The Father Through The Son

For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him [the Son].
Colossians 1:19

Mention the name Jesus Christ, and many images come to mind: a babe in a manger, a rugged carpenter, an authoritative teacher, a crucified Savior.


But in speaking of Christ in Colossians 1, Paul mentioned none of these. Instead, he focused on the Christ who has existed through eternity, who is the Creator and the image of God himself.

It’s a big picture of Christ, a full picture. John Calvin speaks of the significance of this larger-than-life Christ for the Christian.

“Whatever God has, he has conferred upon his Son, that he may be glorified in him.

“He shows us that we must draw from the fullness of Christ everything good that we desire for our salvation, because God will not communicate himself or his gifts to people, except by his Son.

“So it follows that whatever detracts from Christ, or takes away a drop from his fullness, stands in opposition to God’s eternal counsel.

“It is a magnificent commendation of Christ that we cannot be joined to God except through him.

“Our happiness consists in our cleaving to God.

“Christ is the bond of our connection with God, and apart from him we are most miserable because we are shut out from God.

“What God ascribes to Christ belongs solely to him, that no portion of this praise may be transferred to any other.”

What is the most important question confronting the human race today?

Is it the threat of nuclear war, the economy, respect for human life, poverty, race relations?

They’re important issues, to be sure. But the most important question is: What do you think about the Christ?

It’s a question thinking people cannot avoid. What do you think?

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