
God’s Perspective On Life’s Priorities

God’s Perspective On Life’s Priorities

Do not let anyone judge you … with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
Colossians 2:16-17

Is Christianity a segment of your schedule or the focus of your existence?


If God asks for the first day of your week, does that mean he doesn’t care about the other six?

Abraham Kuyper points out God’s perspective on right priorities.

“In his Word God absolutely forbids every inclination and every attempt to divide your life into two parts, one part for you and the other for him.

“There must be no division. Not six days for you and Sunday for God. Not a secular life sprinkled with godliness.

“No, on this point the claim of Scripture is as inclusive as possible; and though it may sound strange to your ears, the obligation is imposed upon you that whatsoever you do, you shall do it as unto the Lord.

“He who as child of God, as servant of Christ, lives his life in this world must in everything be led and carried by his faith. He who divides and makes distinctions robs God of a part that belongs to him alone.

“If you are to love your God with all your heart, all your soul, and your mind and powers, every avenue of escape is closed against you.”

You have only one life to live for God—and he is vitally interested in all of it.

Viewing one day as more holy—or one dollar as more heavenly—”robs God of a part that belongs to him alone.”

By contrast, agreeing that you and all you have are wholly his says with your life—as well as your lips—”All that God wants is all of me, and that’s all he gets!”

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