
The Revelation That’s Forever Relevant

The Revelation That’s Forever Relevant

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
2 Timothy 3:16


God’s Word, the Bible, has been translated into more languages, printed in more sizes, and published in more editions than any other volume in history. Yet its content has never changed or become irrelevant. Its truth is as needed today as when it was first given centuries ago.

W. Graham Scroggie offers this insight into the enduring character of God’s Word.

“This truly is the Word of God which lives and abides forever. It does not need our apologies and our special pleading. Give it a chance, and it will demonstrate its own character and its own power.

“This is the light by which millions have found their way to the shining home among the delectable mountains. This is the star which has guided mariners on stormy seas throughout the ages.

“This is the weapon with which the Christian soldier has fought his battles to glorious victory. This is the compass which has guided men in darkness and distress. This is the Book on which many a saintly Christian has laid down his head as on a pillow in the last moments of life, whispering some psalm of Scripture.

“There need be no panic. This is the rock of all ages, and those built on it are as eternal as God.”

Timothy’s education in the Scriptures began when he was only a child (see 2 Timothy 3:15), literally at the knee of his mother and grandmother (see 2 Timothy 1:5).

What can even young children learn from such exposure? They can learn “teaching” (truth about God), “rebuking” (truth about error), “correcting” (getting back on the right track) and “training in righteousness” (continuing education in the faith).

Build your life on the Word of God, and you—like Timothy—will find an unshakable foundation for this life and the next.

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