
Consider Jesus And Rejoice

Consider Jesus And Rejoice

Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.
Hebrews 3:1

Take away the heart, and the body ceases to have life. Take away Christ, and whatever you have left is not the Christian life.


Hebrews 3 calls you to “fix your thoughts on Jesus.” F. B. Meyer analyzes the who, why and how of that calling.

“We should emulate the saints of all ages in the gaze at Christ. We must possess the holiness without which none can see the Lord, and we must live in holy love with all those who bear the name of Christ.

“What right have we to fix our thoughts on him? Because we … ‘share in the heavenly calling.’ Those who have turned from the world, from the fascinations of sin and the flesh, who are seeking the heavenly city, the new Jerusalem. Surely such have a right—given them by grace—to live in daily, personal vision of their King!

“In what aspects should they fix their thoughts on him?

“As Apostle, whom God has sent out of his bosom to mankind.

“As Priest, who was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin, who bears our needs and sins and sorrows on his heart.

“As the Son, compared with whom Moses was but a servant.

“As Creator, by whom all things were made, and without whom not any thing was made.

“As the Head of the household of those who believe.

“As the All-faithful One, who will never resign his charge.

“Consider Jesus in each of these aspects, and rejoice in him.”

Spend a few quiet moments reflecting on your apostle, priest, creator, all-faithful One—until his greatness overwhelms you with gratitude that he is your Savior and Lord.

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