
Hearing The Heartthrobs Of God

Hearing The Heartthrobs Of God

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

Penetrating sirens. Penetrating screams. Penetrating stares. Penetrating words.


In each case, your body reacts with quick determination. Adrenalin sends a message to your heart. “Action needed—now!”

The same could be said of the Word of God: It penetrates the heart with truth too important to ignore.

A. T. Pierson explores the power of God’s forceful and piercing Word.

“The life of God is in his Word. The Word is quick, living.

“Is it a mirror? Yes, but such a mirror as the living eye. Is it a seed? Yes, but a seed hiding the vitality of God. Is it a sword? Yes, but a sword that omnisciently discerns and pierces the human heart.

“Hold it reverently, for it is a living Book. Speak to it, and it will answer you. Bend to listen, and you will hear in it the heartthrobs of God.

“This Book we are to hold forth as the Word of life and the Light of God in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.

“Like the birds that beat themselves senseless against the light of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, the creatures of darkness will assault this Word and vainly seek to put out its base, while it still rises from its rock pedestal, immovable and serene!”

Perhaps you find it a bit unnerving to know there is something that can penetrate all your defenses and pierce your heart with convicting truth.

You can’t change the truth—but you can allow it to change you. And that is the Word’s purpose: to penetrate, divide, judge and transform your life.

Hold it reverently—and often.

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