
The Grace That Is Suitable And Sufficient

The Grace That Is Suitable And Sufficient

This is the covenant I will establish … declares the Lord … I will be their God, and they will be my people.
Hebrews 8:10

In the case of God and mankind, once the price was paid by the perfect Mediator, the foundation was laid for a lasting reconciliation.


Salvation thus involves more than forgiveness of sins; it also brings the sinner into a privileged relationship with God.

It’s a remarkable relationship all believers in Christ enjoy, as Matthew Henry explains.

“God covenants with them [believers] to take them into a near and very honorable relation to himself. He will be to them a God: that is, he will be all to them, and do all for them, that God can be and do. Nothing more can be said in a thousand volumes than is comprehended in these few words: ‘I will be their God.’

“They shall be to him a people, to love, honor, and obey him; complying with his cautions, conforming to his commands, copying his example.

“Those who have the true God for their God must and will do this, for they are bound to do so as their part of the contract. And God will enable them to do it, as an evidence that he is their God and that they are his people.

“It is God himself who first establishes the relationship, and then fills it up with grace suitable and sufficient, and helps them in their measure to fill it up with love and duty.”

“Anyone who comes to him [God] must believe that he exists” (Hebrews 11:6). But there is more: The God who exists is your God—filling up your life with “grace suitable and sufficient.”

In exchange God offers you the matchless privilege of being called one of his people—called to love him, honor him, obey him. Called to fill up your life with love and duty.

Put it all together, and who but a Christian could declare, “I belong to him, and he belongs to me!”

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