
The Shepherd Who Has Promised To See Us Through

The Shepherd Who Has Promised To See Us Through

Our Lord Jesus [is the] great Shepherd of the sheep.
Hebrews 13:20

Sheep have never been noted for their ability to fend for themselves. They are prone to wander, defenseless in the face of danger, easily “fleeced.” What the sheep lack, their shepherd must supply. This is no less true when the sheep are Christians.


The image of Christ as Shepherd is a consistent—and comforting—picture from the pages of Scripture: Psalm 23, John 10, Ezekiel 34.

H. A. Ironside offers these encouraging reminders about Jesus, your great Shepherd.

“The shepherd character of our Lord Jesus suggests loving care for his own. He has given us many pictures of his Shepherd-service.

“As the Good Shepherd he died for us. As the Great Shepherd he is ever watching over us. As the Chief Shepherd he will gather us all about himself when he comes again.

“His promises are sufficient for every difficulty. Yet in times of stress we forget them all, and worry and fret as though we had to meet all our problems ourselves, instead of trusting in his love and wisdom to undertake for us. He has promised to see us through.

“The One to whom we have committed our souls is more than a match for all that may rise against us. He is the unfailing shepherd, having our best interests in view. His glory and our blessing are indissolubly linked together.”

In Ezekiel 34 God harshly rebuked Israel’s shepherds for failing to do their job, and he gave his own description of the Good Shepherd: “I will tend them in a good pasture … I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down … I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak” (Ezekiel 34:14-16).

That’s good news for sheep who are prone to wander!

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