
The Price Is Not Right

The Price Is Not Right

Read Leviticus 1:1–7:38

27. “If any of the common people sin by violating one of the Lord’s commands, but they don’t realize it, they are still guilty.
28. When they become aware of their sin, they must bring as an offering for their sin a female goat with no defects.
29.They must lay a hand on the head of the sin offering and slaughter it at the place where burnt offerings are slaughtered.
30. Then the priest will dip his finger in the blood and put it on the horns of the altar for burnt offerings. He will pour out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar.
31. Then he must remove all the goat’s fat, just as he does with the fat of the peace offering. He will burn the fat on the altar, and it will be a pleasing aroma to the Lord. Through this process, the priest will purify the people, making them right with the Lord, and they will be forgiven.” Leviticus 4:27-31


Surely everyone has uttered the words, “I can’t afford it.” Some things are just too expensive. You simply can’t pay for them. You can save up or borrow enough for some items, but others will always command a higher price than you can pay.

The first verse of Leviticus 1 says, “The Lord called to Moses from the Tabernacle.” The next seven chapters contain what God said, including the first set of instructions for worship and rules regarding sacrifices and offerings. It’s quite clear from reading Leviticus that sin carries a very steep price.

Since Creation, God has made it clear that sin separates people from him, and that those who sin deserve to die. But because everyone has sinned (see Romans 3:23), God designed sacrifice as a way to seek forgiveness and restore a relationship with him. Because God is filled with love and mercy, he decided from the very beginning that he would send his Son into the world to die to pay sin’s penalty (death). In the meantime, before God made the ultimate sacrifice of his Son, he instructed people to kill animals as sacrifices for sin. That’s why when God taught his people to worship him, he placed great emphasis on sacrifices (Leviticus 1:2). They were God’s Old Testament way for people to ask forgiveness for their sins.

Animal sacrifice accomplished two purposes: (1) the animal symbolically took the sinner’s place and paid the penalty for sin; and (2) the animal’s death represented one life given so that another life could be saved. This method, picturing what Jesus would do on the cross, continued throughout Old Testament times. It was effective in teaching and guiding the people and bringing them back to God. In New Testament times, however, Christ’s death became the last sacrifice needed. He took the punishment once and for all for those who trust in him. Animal sacrifice is no longer required. Now, all people can be freed from the penalty of sin by turning away from their sin, trusting in Jesus, and accepting the forgiveness he offers.

Thank God for sacrificing his only Son for you. Then tell someone the Good News about God and his salvation.

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