
Doing Good By Getting Involved

Doing Good By Getting Involved

If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.
James 4:17

A pedestrian is mugged in broad daylight while a dozen spectators look on in detached curiosity. When questioned, the onlookers justify their behavior by claiming, “I didn’t do anything wrong.” And they are right.


But not doing a right action is as wrong as doing a wrong one—a truth James declares and one that Albert Barnes explains.

“It is universally true that if a person knows what is right and does not do it, he is guilty of sin.

“If he understands what his duty is; if he has the means of doing good to others; if by his name, his influence, or his wealth, he can promote a good cause; if he can, consistently with other duties, relieve the distressed, the poor, the prisoner, and the oppressed; if he can send the gospel to other lands, or can wipe away the tear of the mourner; and if, by indolence, or avarice, or selfishness, he does not do it, he is guilty of sin before God.

“No man can be released from the obligation to do good in his world to the extent of his ability. No one should desire to be so released.

“The highest privilege conferred on a mortal—besides that of securing salvation—is doing good to others: alleviating sorrow, instructing ignorance, raising up the bowed down, comforting those that mourn, delivering the wronged and oppressed, supplying the wants of the needy, guiding inquirers into the way of truth, and sending liberty, knowledge, and salvation around the world.”

Meeting needs is costly and inconvenient. It takes time and energy. It may earn no thanks or appreciation. But it is simply the right thing to do.

Aren’t you thankful that when the Father asked his Son to bear the burden of humanity’s sin, Jesus didn’t say, “No—I don’t want to get involved”?

What answer will you give God when he asks you to follow in his footsteps today?

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