
Prayer And Praise: Legs For A Balanced Walk

Prayer And Praise: Legs For A Balanced Walk

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.
James 5:13

James was a man of prayer. He even received the nickname “Camel Knees” because of his hard, calloused knees—the result of long hours in prayer.


According to James, the Christian should pray, whatever his needs, whatever his circumstances, both privately and publicly. Pray for wisdom (see James 1:5); pray for those who are afflicted or sick (see James 5:14-15). Why? Because “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16).

Real prayer penetrates every sphere of life and invokes God to answer on your behalf, as Alfred Plummer observes.

“It is hard enough to win converts from heathenism; but it is still harder to teach the newly converted that worshiping God has any bearing on their conduct. This idea is utterly alien to their whole mode of thought.

“They have been accustomed to regard worship as a series of acts which must be religiously performed. It has never occurred to them that they must live in accordance with their worship, or that the one has any connection with the other.

“From this it follows that when the idolater has been induced to substitute the worship of God for the worship of idols, there still remains an immense amount to be done. Prayer and praise must go hand in hand with work and life.”

Prayer and praise—two equally important legs for a balanced walk with God. You pray, God answers, you praise.

How will you link these essentials for a harmonious walk with God? Are you discouraged, sick, struggling financially or being tested in some situation? Pray! Has God answered your prayers by blessing you with joy, health, extra money or guidance? Praise!

You’ll discover how much can be accomplished as you walk with God on the sturdy legs of prayer and praise.

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