
A Humble Work Outlasting The Stars

A Humble Work Outlasting The Stars

Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing.
1 Peter 5:2

The similarities between a shepherd of sheep and a shepherd of the flock of God are many: Both provide a healthy diet for the sheep. Both protect the flock from predators. Both lead the sheep in paths that are safe. Both have a thankless job!


Charles E. Jefferson, a pastor at the turn of the century, provides this portrait of a pastor and shepherd.

“The shepherd’s work must be done in obscurity. The things which he does do not make interesting copy.

“It is a form of service which eats up a man’s life. It makes a man old before his time. Every good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

“The finest things a minister does are done out of sight and never get reported. His joy is not that his success is being talked about on earth, but that his name is written in heaven.

“The shepherd in Bible lands had no crowd to admire him. He lived alone with the sheep and the stars.

“The messengers of Christ must not expect brass bands to attend them on their way. Theirs is humble, unpretentious, and oftentimes unnoticed labor. But if it builds souls in righteousness, it is more lasting than the stars.”

In the pages of this devotional guide you have met many renowned shepherds of the flock of God—men and women whose ministries have continued long after their deaths.

But there are countless other such shepherds who have labored—and are now laboring—to nourish the flocks entrusted to them.

How about your own spiritual leaders? Does their labor go unnoticed by their own flock?

Thank God that you have a shepherd—and a Shepherd—who cares for you!

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