
He Hears Our Every Sigh

He Hears Our Every Sigh

You know what I long for, Lord; you hear my every sigh. Psalm 38:9


In the midst of this sorrowful psalm is hidden a wonderful truth: although God has chastened David for his sin and caused him to endure the painful physical and spiritual consequences brought on by his foolishness and sin, yet God heard David’s every sigh and knew that he was longing for healing, restoration, and help. The Lord didn’t turn a deaf ear to his cries just because David had made a huge mistake. And he doesn’t distance himself from us because of our failures either. What an amazing and loving truth: our Creator Father knows exactly what we long for with tears. He knows the meaning and feeling behind our every sigh. We can’t take a breath in our loneliness, disappointment, or grief without our caring heavenly Father’s hearing it and being there to help us and bring restoration. What a wonderful motivation for taking everything to the Lord in prayer!

DEAR FATHER, thank you for knowing what I long for and for hearing my every sigh. And thank you for not turning away from me when I make a foolish mistake. What a loving and merciful Father you are! Today I want to give you my deepest desires, for you are near, you are here.

Precious, Lord! Beyond expressing, Are thy beauties all divine; Glory, honor, power, and blessing, Be henceforth forever Thine.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–1892)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Job 8:1–11:20; 1 Corinthians 15:1-28; Psalm 38:1-22 and Proverbs 21:28-29.

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