


O Worship The King, All Glorious Above


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O Worship The King, All Glorious Above

To the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.
Jude 25

If you received an invitation requesting your presence at the White House, chances are high that your initial excitement would soon dissolve into a mixture of fear, wonder and curiosity.


Fear at the power of the officeholder. Wonder over the grandeur of his office. Curiosity about why you were invited!

Attitudes change when God is in view. Thomas Manton describes the attitude of a Christian confronted with the greatness of God.

“It is a comfort to the soul to consider God’s glory, majesty, dominion, and power; for this is the ground of our respect to him and that which encourages us in our service. We need not be ashamed to serve him to whom glory, and power, and majesty, and dominion belong.

“It heartens us against dangers. Surely the great and glorious God will bear us out in his work.

“It increases our awe and reverence. To whom should we go in our necessities but to him who has dominion over all things, and power to dispose of them for the glory of his majesty?

“God is glorious and will maintain the honor of his name and the truth of his promises. When we are dismayed by earthly rulers, it is a relief to think of God’s majesty, in comparison to which all earthly grandeur is but the dream of a shadow.”

If the thought of standing before your nation’s president or prime minister causes your pulse to quicken and your vision to sharpen, how much more should standing before the omnipotent God of creation!

He “is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy” (Jude 24).

And in addition to all the reasons Thomas Manton has suggested for glorifying God, that’s one more good reason to live for him!

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