
Someday Will Be The Last Day

Someday Will Be The Last Day

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Matthew 24:14

The End. Those words often mark the last page, the last scene, the conclusion. Like the game buzzer when time has expired, they remind us of how finite life is.


Tomorrow will not always be a continuation of today. Some day will mark the last day of life as we now know it—”and then the end will come.”

Just before his own earthly life ended, Jesus described “the end” and the events preceding it. F. B. Meyer shows how contemporary these 2,000-year-old warnings are.

“The signs of the times in our own day are much as they were then.

“People still love pleasure rather than God. Those who want to live a godly life must still be prepared to suffer persecution.

“The forms of hatred and dislike of the gospel change, but the hatred of the cross is as deep-rooted as ever.

“There are abroad today the seeds of hurtful and false doctrine. Propagated by the spoken word and written page, they produce unrest in the young and unstable.

“We must judge these damaging teachings, not by their pleasant and innocent appearance, but by their effect on heart and character.”

Wars. Rumors of war. Famines. Epidemics. Earthquakes. False prophets. Lukewarm love.

Jesus was right: The outlook won’t be too comforting just before the end.

But the uplook? Still as bright as the promises of God! And there is good news to share with a dying world.

As a child of God, you have the privilege of introducing others to Jesus. It’s as simple as telling someone what you know to be true about him.

But don’t put it off. “The End” has a way of coming when you least expect it.

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