
A Heart In Tune With The Heartbeat Of God

A Heart In Tune With The Heartbeat Of God

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
Luke 18:1

Doctors can learn a lot about their patients by listening to their heartbeats. It’s an important barometer of health, even when everything else appears normal.


The same could be said of the spiritual health of the Christian. Outwardly, things may seem fine. But the health of the inner life is crucial. The heartbeat must be strong to know God.

Physically weak, David Brainerd possessed a vibrant spiritual health. The words of his diary reveal the powerful, prayerful beating of a heart strong for God.

“I withdrew to my usual place of retirement, in great tranquility. I knew only to breathe out my desire for a perfect conformity to him in all things.

“God was so precious that the world with all its enjoyments seemed infinitely vile. I had no more desire for the favor of men than for pebbles.

“At noon I had the most ardent longings after God which I ever felt in my life.

“In my secret retirement, I could do nothing but tell my dear Lord in a sweet calmness that he knew I desired nothing but him, nothing but holiness, that he had given me these desires and he only could give the thing desired.

“I never seemed to be so unhinged from myself, and to be so wholly devoted to God.

“My heart was swallowed up in God most of the day.”

Father, make my heart strong to know you.

Where my heartbeat is faint, fortify it with your Word. Where it is erratic, stabilize it with your faithful promises.

Great Physician, give me a heart like David Brainerd’s. A heart that will not rest till it finds its rest in you. Amen.

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