
What Do You Think Of Jesus?

What Do You Think Of Jesus?

The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.
Luke 20:17

It may surprise you to learn that the opposite of love is not hate.


Hate at least acknowledges the other person’s presence. The opposite of love is something much colder, much crueler. It is indifference.

There was little apathy toward Jesus during his years on earth. He inspired sacrificial devotion, openmouthed wonder and even sinister opposition. “What do you think about the Christ?” was seldom answered with just a shrug.

Yet today’s indifference betrays a lack of contact with the Son of God. James Hastings describes this present-day malady.

“It may be that our attitude toward Christ is not that of scorn and insulting rejection. It may be that we just treat the Son of God with indifference.

“We may hear his name, but it awakens no interest. We would not cross the street to hear it again. He does not enter into our lives. He is not a partner in our affairs. It is altogether to us as if he had never come into the world.

“We do not invest in him at all. We do not put anything into his enterprises. We do not mix his stock with our financial concerns.

“Multitudes of men and women will not give him even five minutes. The Son of God is come, but they kill him with indifference.”

Those who have made a difference for Christ down through the centuries were consumed by the thought of Christ.

They were men and women of action, not apathy.

They did more than talk about prayer; they prayed. They did more than yearn to know Christ; they learned.

And that brings up a crucial question: “What do you think about Jesus?”

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