
Eyes Open To The Savior

Eyes Open To The Savior

Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him.
Luke 24:31

What if you learned that the stranger you sat beside today—the one with whom you shared small talk and pleasantries—was in fact the ruler of your country!


Wouldn’t you feel excitement, privilege, even joy? And wouldn’t you wonder how it was possible not to recognize the one you know so well?

A. B. Bruce provides this analysis of the reasons why the disciples on the road to Emmaus failed to recognize the Messiah who had so recently accompanied them.

“The two friends who journeyed to Emmaus did not notice any resemblance between the stranger who joined their company and their beloved Lord, of whom they had been thinking and speaking.

“The main cause of this was sheer heaviness of heart. Sorrow made them unobserving.

“It is obvious how men in such a mood should be dealt with. They can get outward vision only by getting the inward eye opened first.

“Jesus accommodated himself to their condition, and led them on from despair to hope.

“Once these thoughts had taken hold, the hearts of the two men began to burn with the kindling power of new truth.

“They looked outward, and lo, the man who had been discoursing with them was Jesus himself!”

The disciples were blinded by sorrow, preoccupied with grief.

Yet Jesus neither berated them, nor called for a stiff upper lip. Instead he set their minds and hearts at ease by patiently instructing them from the Old Testament Scriptures.

The Scriptures that spoke of a Savior who could lift burdens and ease sorrows. What began as sorrow ended with joy: The Lord is risen indeed! It’s a story repeated thousands of times each day. Why not repeat it to someone you know?

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