
Leaving The When And How To God

Leaving The When And How To God

His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you”.
John 2:5

A formal dinner served on paper plates and folding tables would be an affront to the guests and a disgrace to the host.


John 2 records the story of a wedding at which the host faced a disgraceful lack of provisions: there was no more wine.

But Jesus was there. And as Mary knew, he was all that was needed to correct the situation.

Ole Hallesby spotlights Mary’s restful faith in her miracle-working son.

“The mother of Jesus reveals herself as a tried and true woman of prayer.

“She goes to the right place with the need she has become acquainted with. She goes to Jesus and tells him everything.

“Let us notice that she did nothing more.

“She knew that she did not have to help him by suggesting what he should do.

“She knew also that she did not have to influence him or persuade him to give these friends a helping hand. No one is so willing to help as he is!

“Jesus’ mother had learned a secret of successful prayer: We should not interfere in our prayers but should leave the when and the how concerning the fulfillment of those prayers entirely to God.

“Most of us have a great deal to learn in this connection.”

The door of prayer is always open. Therefore, come confidently to “ask … seek … knock” (Matthew 7:7), expecting an answer in return.

But in your asking, be careful that you do not tell God how to answer—and how soon.

Mary brought the need to her son Jesus, and Jesus did the answering—in a way that caused wonder and faith.

Let your prayers today be revitalized with the knowledge that God gives the very best to those who leave the choice with him.

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