
When The Work Of Christ Shocks Us

When The Work Of Christ Shocks Us

His disciples … were surprised to find him talking with a woman.
John 4:27

Jesus cut right through the cultural prejudices of his day. But he was more interested in the salvation of a woman than in avoiding special stigma.


Unfortunately, his disciples misunderstood both his action and his motive.

Try demonstrating sensitivity toward a castoff of society, and you can expect to become the target of verbal abuse—perhaps even from your own side. John Calvin explains why.

“The disciples’ surprise could have come from two causes. Either they were scandalized by the woman’s lowness or they thought Jews were polluted if they spoke with Samaritans.

“Although both these feelings arose from a reverence for the Master, they were wrong to marvel as if it were strange that he should honor such a common woman.

“Why did they not look at themselves? They certainly would have found no less cause for surprise that they—worthless fellows, the dregs of the people—should be raised to the highest rank of honor.

“And yet, they did not dare question him.

“We are taught by their example that if the works or words of Christ shock us, we must not grumble; but rather keep quiet until what is hidden from us is revealed from heaven.”

As a racial entity, the Samaritans have almost ceased to exist. As a spiritual reality, they are everywhere—perhaps as near as next door.

The struggling divorcee, the shut-in senior citizen, the person who belongs to a cult. Others may misunderstand your intent as you reach out with Jesus’ love, but the Lord understands.

After all, from a human perspective Jesus didn’t have to go through Samaria.

And neither do you. But if he didn’t, who would? And if you don’t, who will?

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