
All The Reason In The World To Worship

All The Reason In The World To Worship

Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him.
John 9:38

John 9 describes a story of front-page significance. A man born blind received his sight—a miracle duplicated nowhere in the Old Testament. A miracle that the Pharisees found disturbing.


For the more they investigated, the more they were faced with a decision regarding the sight-giver.

They were unwilling to admit in their unbelief what the man born blind was only too willing to acknowledge, as Matthew Henry describes.

“Believing with the heart, the man professed his faith in Christ: ‘Lord, I believe you to be the Son of God.’

“He not only gave him the civil respect due to a great man and the acknowledgments owing to a kind benefactor, but he gave him divine honor, and worshiped him as the Son of God come in the flesh.

“None but God is to be worshiped, and by worshiping Jesus, the man acknowledged him to be God.

“True faith will show itself in humble adoration of the Lord Jesus. Those who believe in him will see all the reason in the world to worship him.”

Who in your opinion is Jesus of Nazareth?

Before you answer, consider the implications of your response.

If you say he is a man (see John 9:11), then how do you explain his miracles?

If you say he is a prophet (see John 9:17), then where did he get his message?

If you say he is a man of God (see John 9:33), then where did he get his authority?

When a head of state enters a room, everyone stands. What if Jesus Christ, the Son of God, were to come into the room? What response would he deserve?

The man born blind saw clearly how to respond (see John 9:38). Let his example be the model for your response throughout the day.

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