
We Know With Whom We Go

We Know With Whom We Go

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
John 10:27

A musician who ignores the conductor, a soldier who disobeys his commander, a reporter who covers his eyes and ears—such situations are hard to imagine. But no one has any trouble at all thinking about sheep who fail to follow their shepherd. Everybody knows that sheep are just that dumb.


Charles Spurgeon points out why Christ’s use of the shepherd-sheep imagery in John 10 is both appropriate and compelling.

“We should follow our Lord as unhesitatingly as sheep follow their shepherd, for he has a right to lead us wherever he pleases.

“We are not our own; we are bought with a price (see 1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Let us recognize the rights of the redeeming blood.

“The soldier follows his captain, the servant his master. Much more must we follow our Redeemer, to whom we are a purchased possession.

“We are not true to our profession of being Christians if we question the bidding of our leader and commander. Submission is our duty; making excuses is not.

“Wherever Jesus may lead us, he goes before us. If we do not know where we go, we know with whom we go. With such a companion, who will dread the perils of the road?”

Think back to the familiar phrases of Psalm 23. What does the Good Shepherd whom you follow do for you?

Provision: “He makes me lie down in green pastures” (verse 2).

Refreshment: “He refreshes my soul” (verse 3).

Leadership: “He guides me along the right paths” (verse 3).

Following the Shepherd is not a chore, but the way to an abundant life. When the shepherd calls, be quick to follow. After all, you are his!

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