
He Is Praying For You

He Is Praying For You

I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.
John 17:26

“If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room,” declared Robert Murray McCheyne, “I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference; he is praying for me.”


In John 17 we learn exactly what Jesus’ desires for his followers are, as Ruth Paxson explains.

“Have you ever pondered the last words of this prayer: ‘… that I myself may be in them.’ These simple but significant words breathe for the deepest desire of Christ’s heart in relationship to his own. It is his consuming desire to reincarnate himself in the Christian.

“To be a Christian means to have the divine seed which was planted in our spirit at the new birth blossom out into growing conformity to his perfect life. It is to be daily ‘transformed into his image.’ Are you being so transformed?

“To be a Christian is to have Christ as the life of our minds, hearts, and wills so that it is he who thinks through our minds, loves through our hearts, and wills through our wills. It is to have Christ filling our life in ever-increasing measure until we have no life apart from him. Does he so fill you?”

Christ’s prayer that final night before his death was not for the 11 disciples only.

He also had you on his mind. “My prayer is not for them alone,” he said. “I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message” (John 17:20).

He prayed that you would be kept from evil, even as you live in an evil world.

He prayed that you would experience his love, even while the world hates you.

He prayed for your unity with other believers in a world marked by strife.

You may not audibly hear his voice. But you can face each day with confidence.

He is praying for you!

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