
Guarded And Guided By The Father’s Love

Guarded And Guided By The Father’s Love

Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me”.
John 21:22

Peter was unique among the 12 disciples. He had unique potential. Unique problems. Unique personality.


But in John 21, Peter compared himself with another disciple, wondering if the future course of their lives would be similar. The Lord’s reply was simply, “Follow me.”

Timothy Dwight offers this insight on the danger of comparing one Christian’s lot in life with another’s.

“How often we find that we never escape certain difficulties. We hope to escape them; we wonder why we do not.

“The Lord’s reasoning is clear: We were made for the accomplishment of a special divine purpose—for the showing forth of a divinely formed character and life—and all allotments of experience are wisely fitted to that end.

“The work of Peter as a disciple of Jesus was intended to be different from that of John. He was to show the development of true life in a different way.

“Providential dealing takes all our living, and every part of our experience, into God’s plan and purpose.

“It teaches us to trust that the natural movement of our lives is under a supernatural guidance, and that in all things we are guarded and guided by a Father’s love.”

Loving Father, you are the Lord over all, my Creator, my Savior. You know me better than I know myself.

Remind me often that my life is still under construction as you use my particular abilities for your glory.

Help me to see trials as opportunities to become more like the person you want me to be.

Thank you for the daily delight of following you. In the name of Jesus my Lord I pray. Amen.

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