
Making The Life Of Christ Visible

Making The Life Of Christ Visible

When they saw the courage of Peter and John … they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.
Acts 4:13

Peter and John were men of meager means and lowly reputation, men who were at home on the sea and out of place before the educated Jewish leaders of the Sanhedrin.


They had every reason to stand in awe of their accusers. Instead, the Sanhedrin marveled at the boldness of these unlearned men.

Joseph Parker comments on the encounter that transformed these rough fishermen into robust spokesmen for the gospel.

“We cannot have personal contact with Christ without people knowing it.

“Once there were some very poor, unlettered men—men who might have been taken from the fishing boat, from the plow, or from some ordinary job.

“And they went before some very great magistrates who did not do manual labor. And these magistrates looked at them and said, ‘How ordinary these men are! What disadvantages they must have undergone! And yet there is something about them that makes them special. There is a kind of radiance on all that roughness of exterior.’

“To be with Jesus is an education; to be closeted with Christ is a refining process. “We ask no other distinction, we long for no greater fame, than to be taken knowledge of that we have been with Jesus.”

Peter and John impressed the Sanhedrin with their bold stand for the Savior. They had taken Christ’s words to heart: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

They reflected the light of Christ to the Sanhedrin; and, true to his word, God was glorified.

It’s seldom hard for others to detect when you have been with the Savior. And that’s a nice reflection on him!

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