
The Message Of Power In A Manner of Meekness

The Message Of Power In A Manner of Meekness

Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people.
Acts 6:8

Acts 6 introduces you to Stephen, a man “full of God’s grace and power.” A man with an irresistible message.


And yet, when called on to defend the faith with his life, Stephen responded with Christlike humility.

Though his message was full of power, his demeanor was full of meekness—a contrast that Jonathan Edwards helps to explain.

“The truly humble Christian is clothed with lowliness, mildness, meekness, gentleness of spirit and behavior. These things are just like garments to him.

“Christian humility has no such thing as roughness, or contempt, or fierceness, or bitterness in its nature. It makes a person like a little child, harmless and innocent, that no one needs to fear; or like a lamb, free of all bitterness, wrath, anger, and clamor.

“Yet in searching and awakening the conscience, he should be a son of thunder. He should do it without judging individuals, leaving it to conscience and the Spirit of God to make the particular application.

“But all his conversation should reflect lowliness and good will, love and pity to all mankind.

“He should be like a lion to guilty consciences, but like a lamb to men and women.”

Gentle as a lamb and powerful as a lion. A seeming contradiction—until you know the Lamb of God who is also the Lion of Judah. Jesus Christ, the one who possesses all power, yet dealt tenderly with those he came to serve, points the way to a witness that is more powerful than words alone.

A witness that is both tender and tough. That speaks the truth in love, and clothes strength in humility.

A witness that others around you need to hear and experience today.

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