
Gazing Into Heaven’s Window

Gazing Into Heaven’s Window

But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.
Acts 7:55

Stephen’s last message provides a moving portrayal of God’s dealings on behalf of his people.


The priests and rabbis, no doubt impressed with Stephen’s grasp of the Old Testament, were not at all impressed with his application of that truth to their lives: “You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit!” (Acts 7:51).

Blood boiled. Stones flew. And Stephen’s death became a turning point in the history of the New Testament church.

Matthew Henry looks at the significance of Stephen’s life to Christians today.

“The heavens were opened to give Stephen a view of the happiness he was going to so that he might, in prospect of it, go cheerfully through death.

“Would we by faith look up, we might see the heavens opened.

“Heaven is opened for the settling of a correspondence between God and humans, that his favors and blessings may come down to us, and our prayers and praises may go up to him.

“We may also see the glory of God, as far as he has revealed it in his Word, and the sight of this will carry us through all the terrors of suffering and death.”

At the moment of his death, Stephen’s gaze was fixed in the right place. He looked directly up into heaven and saw Jesus standing at God’s right hand. He saw beyond the torment, cursing and physical abuse he was suffering to the heavenly reunion awaiting him with his Savior.

“Look, I see heaven open.” It’s really not that difficult a sight to see even today—if God’s Word is your compass and God’s Son is your guide!

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