
Something Money Can’t Buy

Something Money Can’t Buy

When Simon saw that the Spirit was given … he offered them money and said, “Give me also this ability”.
Acts 8:18-19

Simon the sorcerer.


He was known in Samaria as “the Great Power.” Yet he sought to buy what no amount of money could buy: the power of the Holy Spirit.

Misunderstanding about the Holy Spirit—who he is and why he came—1 ay at the root of Simon’s problem. Gregory of Nazianzus, the fourth-century church father, offers this helpful insight.

“The deity of the Holy Spirit ought to be clearly recognized in Scripture.

“Look at these facts: Christ is born; the Spirit is his forerunner. Christ is baptized; the Spirit bears witness. Christ is tempted; the Spirit leads him up. Christ ascends; the Spirit takes his place.

“What great things are there in the character of God which are not found in the Spirit? What titles which belong to God are not also applied to him?

“He is called the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, the mind of Christ, the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of adoption, of truth, of liberty; the Spirit of wisdom, of understanding, of counsel, of might, of knowledge, of godliness, of the fear of God.

“This only begins to show how unlimited he is.”

The Holy Spirit is more than a power to be reckoned with. He is a person to indwell you. A Comforter to console you. A Counselor to advise you. An Advocate to defend you. An Intercessor to pray for you. A Guide to direct you.

As you continue your journey through the book of Acts, don’t be surprised if you encounter the Holy Spirit frequently.

All the resources of God were available to the New Testament believers in the person of the Holy Spirit. The disciples depended daily on his power and leading. And that power is available to you today!

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