
To Hear Is To Obey

To Hear Is To Obey

While Peter was still thinking about the vision, the Spirit said to him … “Get up and go downstairs. Do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them”.
Acts 10:19-20

Peter could have written a book entitled The Pitfalls of Disobedience, for he surely stumbled into many of them! When it was time to think, Peter would talk. When it was time to stand, Peter would run. And when it was time to “get up and go,” Peter would stop and ponder.


Even when God chose Peter to take the gospel to the Gentiles, it took three times for his reticent apostle finally to get the message!

John Calvin explains the importance of prompt obedience to the Lord’s commands.

“We must not follow God with a doubting and vacillating mind, but with one that is composed and firm.

“The Lord wishes us to defer to him so much that, when we have heard him, we will have no argument about what we need to do, but will decide without any question that what he commands must be done.

“Certainly his will is worthy to show us the way, when all the doubts have been scattered, and to bring our minds into ready obedience.

“Peter is not permitted to pass judgment on the question, because God is the originator of the business.

“What it amounts to is that we ought to be content merely with God’s say-so, so that we may obey his command.”

There is a time to wait on the Lord and a time to act on his will. God’s part is to make his will clear; your part is to do his will promptly.

Disobedience—thinking when you should be doing or questioning when you should be trusting—can only result in delay and disappointment.

To obey or not to obey. Child of God, that’s a decision you shouldn’t have to think about for very long!

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