
How Wise His Way, How Strong His Will

How Wise His Way, How Strong His Will

Having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia … they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to.
Acts 16:6-7

Paul’s ambition was right, but his timing was wrong. He had a good idea: evangelize Asia. But God had a better idea: evangelize Europe!

And once God’s will was clear, Paul wasted no time in obeying.

G. Campbell Morgan provides this helpful analysis of how to respond when the what of God’s will is clear but the why is not.

“Obedience to the Spirit’s guidance when we cannot understand the reason—that experience is not so rare.

“Over and over again in the path of true service a great opportunity is open right before us, and we are not permitted to avail ourselves of it.

“Or we are in the midst of work which is full of real success, and we are called to abandon it. We should never hesitate to do so.

“This wonderful page of apostolic history teaches us that God’s outlook is greater and grander than our own. We may always leave the issue to him, and presently we shall learn how wise his way, how strong his will.”

From Paul’s perspective, the closed doors to Bithynia and Asia must have seemed puzzling. But from the perspective of hindsight—a perspective God enjoys from the start—consider what happened: Paul traveled throughout Greece, preaching and establishing churches. Afterward, he returned to Ephesus, the heart of the province of Asia, and preached until “all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord” (Acts 19:10).

And Bithynia? Paul may not have returned there personally, but Peter did address his first letter to the Christians in Bithynia (see 1 Peter 1:2). It’s a truth you cannot learn too well: Understanding God’s plan can wait; obeying God’s will cannot.


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