
The Unleashed Power Of God’s Word

The Unleashed Power Of God’s Word

As Paul talked about righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid.
Acts 24:25

The prisoner: Paul. The judge: Felix.

Yet Paul had Felix right where he wanted him!

Sitting in judgment on Paul’s case, Felix became the unsuspecting target of Paul’s gospel.

The accused stood before the judge—but it was the judge who was convicted! It was a remarkable turn of events that John Calvin explores.

“Now Felix is forced to realize the effectiveness of the Word of God, a power of which he had no concept. This man, who held the power of life and death over Paul, is trembling all over, as if he were standing before his own judge.

“Forgetting that he is a prisoner bound in chains, Paul exercises the judgment of heaven in the name of Christ. Because he is aware that he must speak in the name of Christ, Paul does not submit to human authority; but, as if from a higher level, he carries out the mission entrusted him by God.

“Let us learn from this what a great influence the Spirit of God exercised not only in Paul’s heart but also in his tongue.

“The Word of God has not been bound along with Paul, for not only did he declare it freely and boldly, but it penetrated the hearts of men—proud in their greatness—as if lightning flashed out of heaven.”

The same Word of God that fortified Paul terrified Felix. Why?

Because “the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

Circumstances cannot shackle the power of the Word—a power demonstrated every time a human voice declares it. A voice like yours—telling what you know is true with boldness only the Spirit can give.


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