
Ready For Teachable Moments

Ready For Teachable Moments

Much time had been lost, and sailing had already become dangerous … So Paul warned them.
Acts 27:9

Who needs a Savior when the sun is shining brightly, the sea is calm and the sails are moved by a serene and gentle breeze?

But let the storms of life break loose and trials wash around like high waves, and suddenly the self-sufficient are looking for answers—fast! Answers that the Christian is uniquely prepared to supply, as Joseph Parker explains.

“For the Christian to speak when the ship is going merrily over the blue waves is not wrong, but perhaps not best; so the Christian waits.

“The ship comes into difficulty; the sailors begin to look despairingly at the whole situation; illness is about; the air is troubled. Now, if any of you can say a word of comfort, do say it. The Christian is waiting for these times.

“The moment the door stands ajar, he is in; the moment the opportunity shows itself, he seizes it.

“Be wise and do not speak before the time, or your words will be like good seed sown upon the fickle and noisy wind.

“The clock will strike for you—be ready when the hour comes.

“The word will keep; and when it is spoken after long delay, it will come with more thundering resonance, with more penetrating emphasis.

“For that time the Christian witness waits.”

Death. Lingering illness. Financial reversal. Broken marriage. Runaway child. Loneliness. Loss of job.

The storms of life come with sudden fury. And with them, the realization that someone bigger is needed to cope with life—and death.

People will reach for a Savior when they know they need to be saved. The wise witness is faithful at all times, but watchful for the teachable moments of life.

Will you be ready to speak when they are ready to listen?


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