
Sin That Crucifies The Lord Again

Sin That Crucifies The Lord Again

For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.
Romans 6:6

In Romans 6, Paul addressed the issue of sin and its relation to the Christian. In Christ you have been set free from the penalty of sin, but you are still in the presence of sin and its deadly influence.

But even though sin continues to beckon, you no longer have to listen, as Charles Spurgeon teaches in this helpful insight.

“All sin is contrary to the designs of eternal love, which has an eye to your purity and holiness. Do not run counter to the purposes of the Lord.

“Be free, and let the remembrance of your past bondage forbid you to enter the net again.

“Christians can never sin cheaply; they pay a heavy price for iniquity.

“Each time you ‘serve sin,’ you have crucified the Lord afresh, and put him to an open shame. Can you bear that thought?

“Turn to Jesus anew; he has not forgotten his love to you; his grace is still the same. With weeping and repentance, come into his presence and there you shall stand firm.”

Equipped with new life in Jesus Christ, you no longer have to give in to sin. But that doesn’t mean you’ll never have to face sin. For God has called you to represent him in a sin-filled world.

Old relationships may lure you. Sinful pleasures may invite you. But in Christ you have the power to say no. And it’s important that you do precisely that, for while sin doesn’t pay, you will if you fail to draw on his strength.

You’ll pay by bearing the effects of sin. You’ll pay in the loss of fellowship with him. You’ll pay by receiving God’s loving but firm discipline. You’ll pay with a life that’s joyless and empty.

Is it worth all that?


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