
The Light Of The World

The Light Of The World

• How can Jesus be the light of the entire world?

• What would life be like without light?

“While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
John 9:5

In John chapter 9, Jesus and his disciples walk by a blind man. The disciples ask Jesus, “Why is this man blind?” And Jesus answers, “So that through him, I can show the world God’s power.” Jesus says, “I am the light of the world,” and then he heals the blind man.

The world is a dark place because of sin. Jesus is light. He is the truth that illuminates everything. Jesus heals us just like he healed that blind man. In a spiritual sense, he touches our eyes, allowing us to see. And by healing us, Jesus shows the world God’s power.

When we accept Jesus into our lives, we change. The light of Jesus begins to shine through us. The world can see this change and learns about God because of it. Jesus said, “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” Jesus is no longer in the world as a human. But we are still here. It is now our job to be the light of the world by letting Jesus’ light shine through us.

Dear God, thank you for the light of Jesus. Thank you for opening our eyes to your truth. Please let Jesus’ light shine through us for the whole world to see. Amen.


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