
No Idle Zone

No Idle Zone

• What are you working on for God right now? How could you get others involved in your work?

• Do you ever procrastinate? Describe a time when your parents have been patient with you while you procrastinated in getting work done.

And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
1 Thessalonians 5:14

In this verse from Thessalonians, Paul is describing how Christians are to treat one another within the church.

One of his instructions is to “warn those who are idle.” When a person is idle, he or she isn’t doing anything, isn’t accomplishing anything and isn’t contributing anything to the body of Christ. Paul tells believers to encourage these individuals to work.

Notice that Paul ends the verse with the instructions, “be patient with everyone.” He’s not teaching us to run around barking orders at other believers and hollering at anyone we catch sitting still. We are no one’s judge and jury. But we are brothers and sisters, and if we see a brother or sister in need of encouragement, we need to try to help that person find a fulfilling way to join in God’s work.

Dear God, show us ways to do your work. Help us to see the gifts in our brothers and sisters, and help us to encourage them to serve you. Amen.


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