


A Good Head Start


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A Good Head Start

• Name a skill that you developed at an early age. How did you develop it?

• What are some of the first things a child needs to understand about God? How do you communicate those truths to a child?

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6

The ancient philosopher Aristotle said, “Well begun is half done.” When you apply that philosophy to parenting, you get Proverbs 22:6. Parents who begin training their children from an early age — and who back up that training with consistent love and discipline—will be well ahead of the curve in instilling lifelong spiritual disciplines in their kids.

No world-class athlete becomes a champion through natural ability alone. Practice is essential—the more, the better. Repetition is the key. The younger a competitor is when starting to develop proper form and technique, the better chance they have of making those skills second nature — and ultimately achieving success.

Of course, the competitor must be invested in the process, too. When it comes to developing spiritual maturity, the most successful parents and kids work as a team. The parents set the training agenda and closely monitor the progress being made. The kids honor their parents’ authority and submit to the training—even when it seems difficult. The better parents and kids work together, the greater their chances are of impacting the world.

Dear God, thank you for giving us parental wisdom in your Word. Help us as a family to exemplify the values and priorities that honor you. Amen.


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