
A Light On My Path

A Light On My Path

• What would happen if you walked around all day wearing a blindfold?

• Why is it so comforting to have a flashlight when it is dark?

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalm 119:105

Have you ever tried to walk on a bumpy path without a flashlight? Have you ever walked around an unfamiliar, dark room, feeling the walls for a light switch? We are not designed to walk around in the dark. When we do, we often smash into things and end up with stubbed toes, bruised shins — or worse!

As believers, we don’t have to stumble around in the dark. God gives us the Bible to shine a light on our path. The wisdom contained in the Bible helps us to make decisions, to know which paths to take in life and which paths to avoid. The Bible warns us of potential hazards and tells us where to turn for safety.

When we read and study the Bible, we are better able to avoid the bumps and bruises of stumbling in the dark. It is so important for believers to spend time in the Word each day. The more we read, the fewer stubbed toes and painful shins we will suffer.

Dear God, thank you for caring about every decision we make. Please help us pay attention to the light you give us in the Bible, so we will make good decisions. Amen.


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