
A Little Lower Than The Angels

A Little Lower Than The Angels

• What is something that you know about angels?

• What do you think is God’s most impressive, most beautiful creation in the whole universe?

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.
Psalm 8:3-5

If you ever want to experience a tiny glimpse of God’s immense creative power, look at pictures taken by telescopes in outer space. Look at the “close-up” photographs of Saturn’s moons or an icy comet. The God that we serve each day created these extraordinary features of our universe. How powerful is he, really?

When we look at these awesome creations, we quickly realize how small we are. But we are not insignificant; God is mindful of us. God cares for us. God created us and put us in charge of this earth. He placed us just beneath the angels, and because he loves us, he crowned us with glory and honor.

How often do we think of ourselves as just below the angels? How differently would we act if we kept this in mind? We are truly holy beings, created by and belonging to our perfect Creator.

Dear God, thank you for creating us and for placing us a little lower than the angels. Thank you for crowning us with glory and honor. Please help us to remember this when we forget how much you love us. Amen.


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