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• What’s the best way to keep your attention focused on Jesus during the Christmas season?

• What do you think was the biggest sacrifice Jesus made when he came to earth?

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.
Luke 2:6-7

Christmas is a time for celebration. The weary world rejoices because a Savior is born. Heaven and nature sing because God’s plan to save the human race has been put into motion.

Yet there’s another side to the Advent season that we should not forget. You see, everything that brings us joy about this season cost Jesus dearly. By being born as one of us, Jesus made himself vulnerable to pain, rejection and loneliness. He put aside his heavenly glory to live a painful 33 years on earth.

He was mocked by people who should have been on their knees worshiping him. He was beaten by people who would have trembled in fear if they could have seen who he really is. He was crucified by people who would later trust in him to save them from eternal death. Everything that benefited us hurt Jesus. Yet still he came, because there was no other way.

This Christmas, as we celebrate Jesus’ birth—God’s gift to us—let’s remember how much that gift cost.

Dear Lord, we can’t imagine what it was like for you to give up your glory to come to earth as one of us. Remind us always of the sacrifice that made this joyous season possible. Amen.


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