
Blessed Are Those

Blessed Are Those

• Share a time when you have been rewarded for doing the right thing.

• What does it mean to be blessed?

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
Luke 11:28

Jeremy was walking home from school when he found a wallet half-buried in the snow. Back in the warmth and privacy of his bedroom, he opened the wallet to find five twenty-dollar bills folded neatly inside, along with several credit cards and a driver’s license.

Jeremy was tempted to take the money. He knew how much stuff $100 could buy. But he also knew that God commands us not to steal. So Jeremy gave the wallet to his mother.

Later that evening, the owner of the wallet came to Jeremy’s house. The man looked inside his wallet and then looked at Jeremy. He said, “I can’t believe that everything is still here. I didn’t think there were any honest people left in this world, and for this honesty to come from such a young man, well—you must be a very special boy.” And then he handed Jeremy one of the neatly folded twenty-dollar bills and said, “Here you go, son, buy yourself something fun.”

In this case, the owner of the wallet was kind enough to reward Jeremy on the spot, and while that doesn’t happen, doing the right thing is always its own reward. Obedience brings blessings — sometimes physical, sometimes spiritual, sometimes both. When we obey God’s Word, we open up our lives to God’s blessings.

Dear God, thank you for your commandments. Please help us to be obedient to your Word. Amen.


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