
Born Of God

Born Of God

• How might a person’s relationship with an earthly father affect his or her opinion of God?

• What are some of the perks of having God as our Father?

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
John 1:12-13

The salvation that Jesus won for us with his sacrifice on the cross is not just a ticket to heaven when we die. Everyone who receives salvation also becomes a child of God. To get an idea of what that’s like, take a look at the story of the lost son in Luke 15:11-32. That’s where you’ll discover what kind of father God is.

After spending his inheritance and living a selfish and hopeless life for years, a son returns home to his father, hoping for nothing more than a place to stay. The father sees him from a distance and comes running to greet his son joyfully. Their relationship is restored, and the father is ecstatic—just as God is when we are saved.

Like a loving and committed earthly father, God wants the best for his children. He protects us from harm. He encourages us to use our talents and abilities. He disciplines us when we need it.

Unlike even the best earthly father, though, God is all-knowing. His wisdom is perfect. His rules are perfect. And his plans for our lives are perfect. Everything he says is not only right, it’s right for us. He created us; he knows what will ultimately fulfill us.

Dear God, thank you for allowing us to call you our heavenly Father. Guide us in our daily lives. Give us your wisdom. May we listen to your instructions as a young child listens to a father. Amen.


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