
Choice Morsels

Choice Morsels

• What is the tastiest thing you can think of eating right now?

• How do you feel when you are about to hear a secret about someone else?

The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts.
Proverbs 26:22

Sin is usually very attractive. The serpent in the Garden of Eden didn’t say, “This fruit is only average. It won’t do much for you.” On the contrary, he made the fruit incredibly attractive to Eve by telling her it would make her like God.

The enemy is no dummy—he knows what it takes to get us to misbehave. He knows that the more attractive sin is, the more likely we are to choose sin over obeying God. And gossip is no different than other sins. It can be very attractive. It can seem almost irresistible.

This verse from Proverbs compares gossip to a choice morsel, something we would really love to eat, like a warm, gooey, chocolate chip cookie, or a dish of cold, creamy ice cream.

But just because something tastes good doesn’t mean we should eat it. Gossip, like all sin, is poisonous. We need to recognize that the attractiveness of gossip is a lie.

Dear God, please protect us from the attractiveness of sin. Please help us to see sin for what it really is. Please help us to not gossip. Amen.


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