
Divine Slowness

Divine Slowness

• Have you accepted Christ as Savior? If so, how old were you? What inspired you to make that decision?

• How does it make you feel to know that God is holding back his judgment for as long as possible to give everyone a chance to repent?

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9

When we talk about salvation, who will go to heaven and who won’t, there’s one question that occurs to nearly everyone: Why doesn’t God just let everyone into heaven?

The simple answer is that everything about him is perfect, including his love, faithfulness, holiness and justice. His perfection can’t be canceled or compromised.

God’s perfect holiness means sin and sinners cannot exist in his presence. His perfect justice demands that all sin be punished by death. His perfect love caused him to sacrifice his Son to pay the entire debt for the world’s sin. His perfect faithfulness allows anyone who believes in his Son to escape the punishment for sin and receive eternal life.

God’s deepest desire is that everyone would repent and believe in his Son. He’s done everything we could hope for to make that possible. We need to admit that we are sinners and ask Jesus to save us—that’s what God requires of us.

So the question isn’t, Why doesn’t God just let everyone into heaven? The question is, How can anyone think God hasn’t done enough already to make that happen?

Dear God, thank you for being patient with your judgment and slow with your anger. We cannot imagine how many people have been saved and will be saved because of it. Amen.


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