
Don’t Stir The Pot!

Don’t Stir The Pot!

• How do you feel when you are involved in an argument?

• How do you feel when you watch two of your friends argue?

Whoever loves a quarrel loves sin; whoever builds a high gate invites destruction.
Proverbs 17:19

The exact interpretation of this proverb is debated. However, it is clear about one thing: Quarrels are not a positive part of anyone’s life. The second part of the proverb is usually thought of as being related to arrogance or pride. People who are proud or boastful bring about quarrels by asserting their own opinions without listening to others. Arguments result. Such people “stir the pot,” which is a way of saying “cause trouble.” Proverbs tells us that this is a sin. We’re not supposed to run around provoking people and getting everyone angry.

Some people struggle with this. Perhaps they enjoy the control and or attention of causing a rift between others. It’s an adrenaline rush for them, and they find it exciting. Perhaps they are angry at someone and want to cause that person problems. Perhaps their root problem of pride doesn’t allow them to have good relationships with others.

Stirring up trouble is not okay with God. If you struggle with this, you need to ask God for help. With God’s help, you can figure out a better way to relate to others.

Dear God, please help us remember that you want your children to live together in harmony. Please help us to love you and others. Amen.


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