


Every Body Needs A Head


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Every Body Needs A Head

• Why do we call the church the “body” of Christ?

• What does it mean to be the head of something?

And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.
Colossians 1:18

The church is the body of Christ. We are the body of Christ. Each one of us is a part of this body. But Jesus is the head. Jesus is the brains of the operation.

This means that Jesus is in charge. We are to follow him. We are to do what he says. We are to submit to his authority. He knows way more about what we need to do than we do.

If we start placing something or someone else in charge, we will no longer be accomplishing God’s work. If we put a pastor or leader ahead of Christ, the body will not work. If money becomes more important than Jesus, the body will not work. Even things that seem essential and beneficial, like music or church programs or community service — none of these things are more important than Jesus.

It’s his body. We are representing him here on earth. We need to remember that he is the head of the church and serve accordingly.

Dear God, please help us to accept Jesus as the head of the church. Thank you for giving him to us. Amen.


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