
Every Knee Should Bow

Every Knee Should Bow

• How well do you respond to authority?

• What kind of authority do you respond best to?

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.
Philippians 2:9-10

Jesus came to earth as a humble servant. Jesus humbled himself by choice. He gave up his heavenly glory to squeeze himself into a simple human body. He started life as a baby. He lived among us, his own creation. He allowed himself to be mocked, beaten and killed. And he did it for us because there was no other way for us to be saved.

Because of his willingness to humble himself, God the Father gave Jesus the highest authority. No one is above him. No one else inspires worship like him. God leaves no room for doubt as to who deserves our eternal praise.

In our eagerness to understand Jesus’ humanity, we sometimes lose sight of just how awe-inspiring he is. This week, let’s take some time as a family to think about Jesus’ authority and what our proper response to him should be.

Dear Lord, we humbly come before you as your servants. Because of your grace, you allow us to have a personal relationship with you. However, we will never lose sight of your power and authority. Amen.


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