
For His Deeds

For His Deeds

• What is the best present anyone could give you?

• Besides salvation, what is the greatest thing you’ve ever received from God?

We praise you, God, we praise you, for your Name is near; people tell of your wonderful deeds.
Psalm 75:1

Psalm 75:1 is a perfect verse of thanksgiving: “People tell of your wonderful deeds.” By telling of God’s wonderful deeds, we show our thanks and bring him glory. That’s the way to show gratitude!

In Psalm 75, the psalmist celebrates God’s perfect justice, the fact that good will be rewarded and evil will be punished. He celebrates God’s power in holding the world together despite all the wickedness in it. He celebrates the fact that those who are arrogant and wicked will one day get what’s coming to them. Those are the deeds the psalmist wanted people to know about. Because his words have survived to this day, we can celebrate with him.

If we were to make a list, it probably would look much different than the psalmist’s. We might celebrate the good things that have happened at work and school. We might celebrate the way we’ve grown spiritually at church. We might celebrate our family bond. We might celebrate our friends. We might celebrate our ministry opportunities.

It doesn’t really matter what we celebrate, only that we praise God and share with others the amazing things he has done in our lives.

Dear God, we celebrate your goodness in our lives in so many areas. You give us everything we need and more. Amen.


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