
For His Provision

For His Provision

• If your house was on fire and you had one minute to grab as many possessions as you could, what would you get? Why?

• What does your list say about you?

May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. The land yields its harvest; God, our God, blesses us. May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him.
Psalm 67:5-7

In this devotion, we’re going to answer three questions. Here’s question number one: What do we need in this world? That’s a little tricky, isn’t it? If the question were, “What do you want in this world?” we could probably make a list ten pages long. Wants are easy to think of, but what about needs?

For starters, we need oxygen to breathe. We need water to drink. We need food to eat. We need some kind of shelter from the elements. We need love. We need forgiveness. We might add other, less primal needs such as a job to support the family or a way to get food and water.

Here’s question number two: How many of our family’s needs has God supplied? That’s an easier answer: all of them. God takes care of our needs — and a great deal of our wants.

Here’s question number three: How often do we thank God for providing the basics that we need to survive? In Psalm 67:5-6, David calls on the people of the earth to praise God for the harvest that the land was about to produce.

Let’s answer his call as a family. Let’s spend some time thanking God for the basics, the things we need every day.

Dear God, thank you for the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat and everything else you provide to keep us alive. Your creation is amazing, and it sustains us. Amen.


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