
For Our Salvation

For Our Salvation

• How do you explain to your friends what it means to be saved?

• Why does God want you to know that you had nothing to do with your salvation?

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9

We take certain things for granted every day. We never question whether we’ll have oxygen to breathe or water to drink or gravity to keep us from floating off into space. We don’t give those things a second thought; they are a given.

Some sure things, though, deserve more than a second thought. Our salvation, for one. If we’ve repented and put our trust in Christ, our salvation is more assured than oxygen, water and gravity.

Yet we can never take it for granted because it came at such a steep price. We are saved only because Jesus took the punishment for our sin. He died on the cross in our place. His blood covers our impurity. That deserves more than a second thought, wouldn’t you say? It’s certainly something to be thankful for—again and again and again.

A worthwhile goal for our family would be to thank God for our salvation at least once a day. We can do it during a private morning prayer, our mealtime prayer at dinner, our bedtime prayer or anytime in between. The important thing is that we tell God regularly how grateful we are for his gift of salvation.

Dear God, we humbly thank you for our salvation. We were helpless to save ourselves, so you sent Christ to save us. We can never repay the debt we owe you. We can only praise you forever. Amen.


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